Tuesday, January 03, 2006

"tp for my bunghole" is a famous quote by.....

Well I still have a cold. I went through 2 rolls of TP in the last two days. I use three squares each time I blow my nose. If I knew how many squares were in each roll I would do the math and come up with a really cool statistic. Oh well. Anyway, I ran out of tp this morning so I had to go buy some. I ended up getting the scented kind and regret it very much. Unfortunately I didn't have much of a choice due to my communication ability. I can't even read. Anyway, why you would ever want the scented kind is beyond me. It smells worse than crap. Of course I had to find out the hard way...by blowing my nose with it (the tp, not crap). I now have this apparently permanent artificial flowery aroma glued to the most inconvenient of spots - my nose area. Lame. Anyway...let's imagine you are in this scenario:

You have a bad cold and need toilet paper to prevent snot from getting all over your face. You don't have any at home. You are in the store. It closes in 3 minutes. You can't find any and you don't speak the local language. What do you do?

Although finding a different store is not the most creative option, it's what I did. I guess when it all comes down to it, I have too much pride to convey my tp need via theatre. Lame.

In Mark news, I've been going to a lot of temples the last few days. Apparently it's the temple season or something. I find them kind of boring but it's fun to see other people having fun. That's how my sad self finds enjoyment I guess. Lame


Anonymous said...

oh, mark.
what a fantastic thing to be able to wake up and read early tuesday morning. starts the day off on a pleasant note.
[i can only half-commiserate because, lucky me, i have the KPA endless supply of non-scented tp to blow my stuffy nose on]

Anonymous said...

Here's something I wonder about: why is it scented? Personally, if someone said, "hey, let me smell your butt," I would politely tell them no. Oh, and here's another thing: I always "double up," whether for my nose or elsewhere. Why don't they just make stuff already thick enough so doubling up is not needed? I think that the person who invents that should get an award or something.