Thursday, January 12, 2006

Reverse pop culture shock

When I went to Japan my mother gave me a book on culture shock. I skimmed through about the first half of it. I thought it was kind of funny. It wasn't really relevant to me as I didn't have culture shock. My previous travels brought me to Germany for a month, West Africa for 2 months and Mexico for 3 months. So Japan's nothing. In fact, throughout all of my travels I have only had culture shock twice. Minor CS when I was in Africa, and significant CS upon returning to the US. Currently in Hawaii after 10 months of Japan I wouldn't say I have reverse culture shock, but rather a different form of culture shock. Returning just after the New Year, I am unfortunate enough to catch all of VH1's Best of Worst of 2005 shows. What I have realized is that I am completely out of touch with US pop culture. Not only do I not know what these featured "stars" did that was so horrible or amazing, but I don't know who they are OR the movies, TV shows or bands that they are in. I'm not sure how I feel about my pop culture knowledge. I find it kind of satisfying that I can say I have no clue what these celebrities are up to. On the otherhand, I feel kind of left out. I think I prefer how it is now. Since I don' t care about their movies or what they're up to.

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