Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Racism...what, you wanted a cookie?

Sometimes I think our society has overdone it a little. We are kind of at that ultra sensitive point where if someone says something that deals with race it is often times considered racist even if it is not. But, a member of whatever minority can say whatever it wants about its own race, no matter how offensive, and it is not considered racist. It makes for great comedy too.

The first two are of our good friend Chris Rock (no relation to Chris Hill...I don't think). They are full of obscenities so you probably shouldn't watch them at work or if you are with your mother. You may have seen them both already as they are fairly popular on the video sites.

The second is of some kid on youtube. I think it's pretty work safe but I forgot already. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Supersize me

Well, if you ever saw the above movie you may find this funny. Or if you haven't seen it but you know the premise you still may find it funny. Or possibly you did or didn't see it and you will not find it funny. Basically, I found it funny so I thought I would post it (assuming I can figure out how). Anyway, I was thinking since I am no longer living in interesting places doing interesting things maybe I would just fill my blog with interesting videos. It seems like a good idea but it's probably just a phase. Vamos a ver.

And here is a pretty funny paintball one. I've never played but I bet if I were challenged by a bunch of 8 year olds - I'd be up for it!