Thursday, December 29, 2005

it's ofishial

i'm allergic to tuna. why did it take me 24 years to figure this out? well, according to the internet, the stuff in tuna that everyone's allergic to is removed in the canning process. mark and tuna will never co-exist peacefully...unless of course it's canned first. my huge outbreak that i blogged about a few months back lasted about 3 weeks, so last night i was kinda worried. either my body developed a little resistance to tuna's effects or all the chocolate and water i drank in my despair last night killed it. i'm fine now. i was anticipating another 3 weeks of unsexiness. and yes...when i am depressed i drink water. i also drink water when i'm happy, just not as much.


Mike Staffa said...

What an odd allergy!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever eaten tuna that didn't come from a can.

Hmmm... a whole world of allergins that I'm unaware of because I've never tried them...

Anonymous said...

You know what's best? When they put dolphin in the tuna. Ummmmmm... yummy!

Mark said...

Well from now on I can only eat dolphin if it's tuna safe.