Well day two of my diet didn't go so well. I forgot my lunch at home...so I ate at maccas. Eating there is bad when you're not on a diet. I stepped on the scale today and it was exactly the same as yesterday.
Tmrw I have to teach "chibis." I guess that is what they call kids from the age of birth to the point when they speak their first word in their native tongue. How my evil employer ever managed to convince people to bring their little tots into English language lessons when they don't speak Japanese is beyond me. I bet it was from some person telling them that children learn language better when they are younger. I, however, completely disagree with this. While I have not read about it, studied it, or even dealt with it first hand..I have studied another language and it was pretty hard. I can't imagine it would be any easier for a 6 month old. To me this is an excuse used by adults to avoid learning another language. "Oh, I wish I would have learned it when I was 5, it would have been so easy." "Now that I am old and have all these dictionaries and grammar books it's just impossible!"
To me the reason people find it so difficult is usually because they are afraid to make a fool of themselves. They don't want to make mistakes or say something only to find out later that they sounded like a perv. Of course there are also the obvious reasons like studying for 1 hour a week etc. I'm sure if parents only talked to their kid for 15 min a day they probably wouldn't learn the language too quick either. I mean cmon...little American kids aren't learning real English anyway. Whenever people speak to them they speak like idiots, they add "y" onto the end of everything. I think I should open a language school designed to teach E in that method. That would be retardedy wardedy.
I just came up with that theory (I'm sure I'm not the first) all because I don't want to.....
"jump like a monkey, jump jump jump
hop like a kangaroo hop hop hop
sing like a something sing sing sing"
Yes, I will be singing that in about 12 hours, I don't even know the words. wish me lucky ducky.
Hi Mark, I don't think I know you but Jordan told me you were harmless so maybe I do know you. I understand your feelings about language and 5 year olds. If I had a choice of knowing 2 languages fairly well and sounding smart in one, I'd chose the latter.
Yeah - Chen doesn't waste her time hanging with harmful people.
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