Monday, December 26, 2005

My life's metaphor

Last night I spilled ramen juice on my sweatshirt. I thought maybe it would just dry up and be gone...but no. It appears that it is going to be a permanent oil stain. This new stain, along with a huge one that makes me look like I fell asleep in a puddle, have made me do some serious thinking about my sweatshirt's life. It's old, tattered, stained and frayed. We have been through a lot together. Two different universities, my drivers license and student ID, countless cold days....the list could go on and on. It's kinda like an adult blankie, except it has more uses. If you ever remember seeing me during any non-summer months, I was probably wearing it. When I began writing this blog about two minutes ago I was sad, but as I think back on the past 6 1/2 years of my life, I can't think of anything it's done for me. In fact, I feel kind of cold towards it (haha). I brought it around the world, I washed it like once a year, and I fed it ramen juice. What did it ever do for me? Did it make me popular, help me meet girls, or even keep me warm on the coldest of nights? NO! I think the reason I am sick right now is because my sweatshirt failed me. I am buying a new one someday. I want an Abercrombie one.

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