Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My feeding tube

My feeding tube is CNN and Fox News. I wish somebody would pull the plug and replace it with SNL reruns from the 90's. Being bored out of your mind has its disadvantages, but believe me, being bored out of your mind and having cable television has to be worse. Despite majoring in History and Global Studies, I have yet to figure out the different ideologies between the democrat/liberal and republican/conservative parties. And I know liberal and democrat etc. are not always synonomous, but I will be using them interchangably. I think people often put too much thought into everything when it is in fact very simple. One party will all of a sudden give very strong support for something (usually when it's bored or in trouble) and then the other party will instinctively oppose it (except war of course).

This whole feeding tube frenzy just baffles me. When did the liberals get on the whole "kill the handicapped" bandwagon. And when did the conservatives ever make a big deal out of rights for the handicapped? I have this theory that after the feeding tube was invented, liberals were all going "yay" while conservatives were saying "as long as it's not our tax dollars." And look at the situation now? I think if someone with political power ever wanted to actually get something done, all they would have to do is start a bill to do the opposite. And then when the other party opposes it, just say "ok, you win." It would be fast and efficient.

The whole argument aside, can't they at least propose a better way to end it? I mean maybe euthenasia is bad on a criminal, but can it be that bad on a handicapped person? See, if it were conservatives arguing for the right to die, it would be by euthanasia. It has to be better than starvation. Just give the husband a club or something. I would rather be clubbed to death by my spouse than starved to death. I mean Americans are killing themselves by eating too much - wouldn't that be the way to go? A heart attack - ideal. So the husband keeps saying "it's what she would have wanted, blahblah." (I can't actually cite that). But starving to death? Who wants that? Lots of Africans? No.

So finally, I am glad the good ol USA can find another huge international story to make itself look stupid. I guess why stop now. While people all over the world are fighting for actual rights (like rights to live etc.) the USA is fighting for the right to die. So, to all my dedicated readers from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Central America. Save yourselves the bother of fighting for your actual rights. Before you know it, they will just come full circle and you will start all over again. So go back to your bunkers, and remember, those guys trying to kill you? I am sure it's what you would want if you were allowed to speak.

1 comment:

Mike Staffa said...

you are really making it as a reporter and the publication you put out is top notch. please dont get a hot head and charge a subscription fee to read your fantastic prose.