Century College has a lot of goth kids. I'm not sure if they were just invisible on the U campus or if they were just overshadowed by all the hippy posers. Maybe something in their goth mentality keeps them out of the big universities. These kids may be goth posers but I am not sure as I don't know them and I don't know the true def. of a goth kid. But they look like what I assume are goth kids. I am used to seeing goth kids sit alone in their self-imposed alienated state. Never talking to anyone, never smiling, and never seeming to care about anything except writing on their black clothes with black pens.
They congregate in one of the student lounge-type areas and no one else seems to want to venture in there. They don't seem to have the whole Columbine mentality that one would assume (or that dude in Canada that went crazy). It's interesting to see them interact together since usually you don't ever see them interact with anyone at all. There is always one group playing Magic (the card game), the otherday I saw them playin with plastic light sabers. They seem to have fun talkin really loud and tryin to stand out in the crowd...kinda like normal kids but just gothier. As I was standing on the floor above them looking down I couldn't help but smile. Just seeing how these guys interact with one another as opposed to with "normal" people just brought a smile to my face. The only way I could think of describing them at that moment was "cute."
Still, just as they probably have no idea why anyone would want to wear jeans and a t-shirt, I have no idea why anyone would want to look like a depressed vampire...and then go to college.
Ok, I don't know what happened. Maybe it was me getting married and finishing a thesis and moving and starting flight school, but somehow I missed that your blog still existed at a different address. I just assumed it disappeared, but I think I remember reading that you were just moving it. Anyway, I'm going to relink you because I like to read funnies about people who are different from me (the Japanese, I mean, because they don't speak English or vote Republican).
You lied! Your location isn't in Japan! After reading some more, I see you're in America. I bet you went around claiming Iraq had WMD's too, even though you knew they didn't. All you Americans do is lie... Actually, I knew you were moving back from reading your blog before, but seeing Japan on there made me think maybe you went back to teach. I hope you can still share funny stories of Japanese children.
Oh, and I don't think Bush lied...
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