Thursday, October 20, 2005

An Introduction to Torture

The thing that sucks about blogging is you never really tell everything about your life. Not that you should or anything. But sometimes when you want to blog about one simple little thing, you realize that you will also have to incorporate three or four other entirely new events just so it will make sense. So that is what I will be doing here in a 2-5 part series I will call "torture." Of course, sometimes I say I am going to do something, I take one step, and then I stop. So maybe I will forget to finish and it won't make any sense. And for those that read my blog once a month or who stumble upon it by some cyberspace mishap, they will have to read it in reverse order. As far as I know, there is no way to change the settings so the first part is always shown first. Of course I could write it all in one blog. Or I could write it backwards. But really, one chapter at a time is hard enough for me. Actually, now that I think of it, it's going to be one of those that you can start at any point and just read all the way around again. Like a circle, it has no direction. Are there really books like this? That just loop around? Well if there aren't, there will be soon. So stay tuned.

1 comment:

Jordan said...

Mark I really appreciate the reference to the No Direction group. I see that it has really impacted your life in a positive way. It warms my heart to see this. You embody yet another No Direction success.