Saturday, October 29, 2005

I finally got some ass from the neighbor

Originally uploaded by terw0015.
Ikoma is a strange city. From what I understand, there are 30,000 people that live here. And from what I have experienced, after midnight, there is no place to get any painkillers at all. Yesterday I had this terrible headache. I tried to go to sleep at like 9pm. By midnight I was going crazy and decided I needed some meds. I started walking around the city. First to ampm, the local convenience store. Five different types of contact solution...nothing for a headache. Wandering around the city for awhile I ran into a 7-11. Again, lots of contact solution, but no meds. I don't understand it...not only the lack of things to treat a headache but what's the deal with the contact solution? Anyway, I paid a visit to my nice neighbor Valerie from Mauritius. She wasn't sure if she had anything, but she dug threw her first aid kit that she got in Germany and...well, she was pretty sure that these pills she had were for a headache. I don't know why she thought that. It was just white pills and on the back of the packaging it said ASS. That's it. Well, you know you have a bad headache when you are willing to take random pills labled ASS. Anyway, I think they worked. So, to all of you who expected some raunchy story about my late night encounter with the neighbor...I'm sorry. And Valerie, for being in my blog under such circumstances...I'm sorry...and thanks for the ASS (I have bufferin now if you ever need it).

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