Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Blue Steel vs Magnum

The Magnum Group

They offer CAD services. They're from India and they're "mad as hell." Rather than depend on commercials or good old fashioned word of mouth, they are getting their name out there by dropping spam in the comment section of my blog. Well Mr Lakshman Balaraman, I've got news for you. Advertising on my page won't do you any good. I don't know how they do it in India, but in (insert country here) they pay for advertising. And seriously. Do you know what kind of people read my blog? The kind that will pay for your services with counterfeit money and stolen checks. OK, seriously, you're trying to advertise on a page that is read by 4 different people - once a month -and they are from Pakistan.

By the way. I want to visit India someday. Want to meet up somewhere? Your English seems pretty good and someone to show me around would be great. I can't help you with any CAD stuff but I can give you some great PR tips - free of charge. You can even take my picture (neck up only) and use it on your webpage and billboards (trust me I'm hot).

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