Thursday, October 26, 2006


I have this counter thing on my blog. It records how many people come to my site. You probably knew that. If someone stumbles on my blog via google or something, it also records the search words. This is the part I like....or at least it can be interesting. My counterpage thingy only saves everything for like a month, and then it deletes them all which is annoying. So for the random people from Google, here are a few search tips:

Use these things ""
It appears that most of the people who drift upon my site do so while searching for adult entertainment. Imagine their disappointment. This is a result of them typing in something like "japanese toes" or "all about ass" only without the quotation marks. To be honest, I don't recall ever typing the word ass in my blog until 5 seconds ago. I probably misspelled bass or mass...which brings me to the next part.

The other randoms are usually people who search for something and then spell it wrong. This is the second most popular set of visitors. Ok, I can't spell. Sorry. But that's no excuse for your spelling.

So for those of you that might happen to stumble on this blog by accident: I'm sorry this is not a porn site and/or that you can't spell. But this doesn't mean we can't be friends. My name is Mark and I currently have no best friend or passion in life. But I am conveniently located just off of 694 and 35W.

Also, I've been having trouble coming up with a halloween costume. I found one today and then I put it back and decided on a much cooler one. I would have been mildly offended by it 5 years ago but now I think it's funny and I can wear it all week


Anonymous said...

My counter doesn't record search requests. I wish it did. I'd switch to one that does, but then I'd have to start over from zero again, and then I wouldn't feel electronically popular.

Chris Hill said...

Wow, you live at a prime location for friendship. I hear the market for friends is going up really fast over there these days.