Saturday, October 28, 2006

The 95 Camry

Over the first 5 tanks of gas, my little beast averaged 30.5mpg. Not bad. I see a lot of new cars that apparently average 29. I credit my lack of a best friend, children and girlfriend for producing such efficient fuel consumption. For those of you who want to increase your fuel efficiency, I recommend lightening the load a little. I don't mean get a divorce or give your kids up for adoption, I just mean leave them at home.

1 comment:

jefe said...

I found the same result with my gas mileage. But then again, I'm not making any money nor will I for quite sometime, which explains a) why I don't have a girlfriend or family and b) the need to be fuel efficient. Personally Mark, for college guys like us, fuel economy is much more important than relationships, seriously.