Thursday, October 04, 2007

What do you look forward to?

I was recently, ok, 20 minutes ago, pondering what I look forward to. I look forward to a lot of things. Unfortunately, all these things are 5 years down the road. That is depressing. It probably explains why I can't seem to drag myself out of bed at 10:30am on a Thursday. I decided it is time I get some things in my life that I look forward to each day. I figured I would ask my two blog readers what they look forward to everyday. So what do you look forward to everyday? And don't say "Mark's next depressing blog." Ok, ready, go!


Laura Ibsen said...

I look forward to hanging out with people and doing fun stuff. This week, Beanie and I went to the Maroon Five concert, I hung out with a friend I hadn't seen in a while, and I'm heading to Chicago this weekend with Anna. In the upcoming month I'm looking forward to lots of fun Halloween Activities. Other than that, it's mostly shopping and food. :)

I dont' know - I guess what you look forward to is determined by how you measure your life. I always consider myself a success if my relationships are going well, rather than my job, etc. I was just thinking to myself yesterday about how grateful I am for my life: I live in an awesome town, I have amazing friendships and family, I do all sorts of fun activities, have oportunities to travel, have tons of freedom, etc. Life is good.

Anonymous said...

i look forward to food. and i look forward to coming home from work (i like my job, but i like being done for the day even better).
also i would look forward to a new depressing mark blog, but we don't get those every day so i would just be setting myself up for disappointment. and we can't have that.

Anonymous said...

Kate, are you suggesting I find something miserable to do for 8 hours a day just to give myself something to look forward to? Thanks for inspiring me.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Anonymous said...

You inspired me:

Did you come up with anything to look forward to?