Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Supersize me

Well, if you ever saw the above movie you may find this funny. Or if you haven't seen it but you know the premise you still may find it funny. Or possibly you did or didn't see it and you will not find it funny. Basically, I found it funny so I thought I would post it (assuming I can figure out how). Anyway, I was thinking since I am no longer living in interesting places doing interesting things maybe I would just fill my blog with interesting videos. It seems like a good idea but it's probably just a phase. Vamos a ver.

And here is a pretty funny paintball one. I've never played but I bet if I were challenged by a bunch of 8 year olds - I'd be up for it!


Colleen said...

Mark - I really enjoyed the whiskey experiment vido. I am disappointed that you cannot comment on my blog. I need more commentators...

Colleen said...

PS I am also greatly disturbed by the goth kids video. what the hek.

Mark said...

yeah me too. i decided to delete it it was that bad@

New video rule: even if it seems like it's worth posting - if you can't make it through two viewings it shouldn't be posted.

Chris Hill said...

I'm going to drink lots of Whiskey now and blame you for making me do it.

Laura Ibsen said...

Mark - I finally came back to your blog, which probably means that now you'll take a month off before posting anything again. :(

Funny wiskey video - I especially liked the "Coaty" part. You're right, it does look like they've had some training. I'm jealous - youtube won't send anything to my blog - it always says "failed". Did you switch over to blogger beta?