Monday, May 22, 2006


I went to Monterrico this weekend with a bunch of other drifters. Highlights include..

sitting on the beach in a hammock drinking smoothies
jumping around in waves
eating food that didn't contain any beans

mentionable things...

minor sunburn
taking a big whipe out while walking
buying sandals that say Italy all over them
not getting as many mozzy bites as Rob
seeing more wildlife in our hotel rooms and restaurants than on our wildlife boat tour

strange/scary things...
Sara fainting in the restaurant.
Me trying to dig sand out of Diego's eye with a toothpick (I got it).

And finally one story. I was sitting on a hammock next to Myrna. She was writing, I asked her if she had a diary (en espanol). She thought I said diarrhea. We then had what we each thought was a normal conversation (well except for the part where I would have been asking her all these personal questions about her digestive system). The whole time I just thought she was talking about her diary and she thought I was talking about diarrhea. I was laughing so hard. It's kind of one of those you had to be there moments that I will think of everytime I hear the word diary. The toothpick story is for another day.

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