Thursday, March 02, 2006

phase 1

I want to be a prosthetist. I think it is feasible...except I will finish up with it when I am in my early 30's. As sad as it may seem, it is the first time I've wanted to be something since I was like 6. Well, I've always wanted to be "something," I just never knew what that was. It's annoying because anytime I make some important life decision it's always one that I could just have easily made five years earlier had my head been screwed on a little tighter (or is it straighter?).

Anyway, I am really anxious to do some job shadowing. Hopefully this isn't just a phase if it is my life will be back to directionless.

My plans to live in Central America have not changed...well except for the part where I job shadow down there. yeah, that will be cool. I'm excited.


Anonymous said...

Prosthetist: The branch of medicine or surgery that deals with the production and application of artificial body parts.

Jordan said...

Does that require an MD? (i.e., will I possibly see you in med. school?)

Mark said...

no no. i will have my own separate school thing. I will basically have to take all the classes that one would have to take to get into med school (i think) and then i go a separate route. I will post more on it later since i haven't changed my mind yet!