Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cameras, futures and guns.

Mark! Thank you so much!!!! I love it! I was totally expecting like um... a tshirt or something... I'm super excited! And it fits in my pocket for this summer!!

Thank you!!!


That was an email from my sister. I bought her a digital camera off of ebay. Every year for Christmas she gets me something. Probably for many of my birthdays too. I've never really kept track of the plus/minus ratio but I am pretty sure this is the first time I've bought my sister anything for Christmas or her Bday...EVER! It has always been a combination of being broke and selfish I guess. And it's easy for me to fall back on the old "Christmas isn't about presents" thing (which is still true - I think). Anyway, it feels good to do something nice for someone once every 25 years, at least now she will know not to expect anything for the next 5-10.

In more important news, last night/early this morning I decided what I want to do for the rest of my life. After 25 years of being clueless, it feels nice just to feel like I have some kind of direction or goal. And of course it coincides nicely with the giving of my first ever Christmas gift (well one worth more than a couple $'s). I should have given her a present when I was 18.

The good thing is that I'm very optimistic as far as my chances of going through with everything. The bad news is I will have to take another 100 credits AND the wonderful Chem/Phyisics combo. Oh, and psych, but that shouldn't be a big deal. So, 115 credits plus after the first 60 I have to work for a year before I can get accepted into the second 40 credits. I think I can fit the first 60 credits into one year if they'll let me...cause I am so darn ambitious. I'll let y'all know what it is in a week if I still want to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you going to be Santa?