Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Prostitues, fungal cream and grease.

"I really quite enjoy beating up prostitutes...basically." -my new roommate Leon.

Quotes can be so much more powerful without context.

Today is my Monday, I of course have nothing to do really except buy things. I had my first day of Jiu Jitsu here yesterday. It went very well. I need to learn some Japanese though. I have also ate fast food for 3 days in a row, and then today I had 3 donuts. I will be going grocery shopping in a few minutes and will thus be ending my record setting streak of greece indulgence. Working 40 hours a week makes things like grocery shopping difficult. The shops where I live are closed by 5. The latest one is open until 9, but they don't have any chicken.

Another streak recently came to an end a few days ago. Up until April 21st (my bday), I had wore the same pair of pants to work everyday - without being washed. The plan was to make it the entire month - no reason really - just to see if I could do it I guess. But then, with just over a week to go, I somehow managed to get chocolate on them. Dangit! I have to wear a suit to work everyday and I hate it. I think it is the corporate way of keeping morale low. Either way, my attempt to be different in even the smallest way was squashed, and by chocolate, go figure. But don't worry, I started a new streak and I am on day number 6!

The cool thing about having just moved to Japan is I can keep track of all these "streaks" really easily. Things are easy to remember. I am always thinking of things that I haven't done since I have been in Japan - and a streak is born.

For example, I haven't taken any type of pain killer. I forgot the Tylenol in Hawaii. There have only been a a few times when I wish I had it and with Jiu Jitsu there will probably be a few more. The problem is that everything is in Japanese, or maybe it's that I don't speak Japanese, one of the two. So my options are to basically get the cashier's attention, point to my head, grimace, and then point to a rack of bottles and hope for the best or to somehow figure out from an English speaking person what I need. Either way, I don't care enough to do it now because I feel fine. And if I get a bad headache I am definitely not going to want to head down to the pharmacy and hope that whatever they give me is for the actual pain. So maybe I will have a year long streak of medicine free living. I am, however, looking forward to trying out my new "eye drops." Fungal cream, ambesol, lotion, I don't care. I just hope it's not glue. I will let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to see pictures....