Saturday, December 09, 2006

Model minority

A 2005 Princeton study showed Asians (not whites) bear nearly 80% of the cost of affirmative action in college admissions. Nearly four out of every five spots given to blacks and Hispanics in an affirmative-action regime would go to Asians in a purely merit-based system.


Chris Hill said...

If they did affirmative action for sports too, then it would all even out.

Mike Staffa said...

how are things? what are you up to? (im too lazy to read the last 20 posts of your blog!)

jefe said...

Mark, just tell them you're Mexican. Say that Terway is mexican for car and Sugimoto, well, just tell them your mom is part Japanese and they won't notice. Will you be in Minneapolis over Christmas/New Years? Did you pass your tests with flying colors? You asians always do.