Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Boys and Reading

According to the Strib, boys don't read as much as girls.

The article focused on teachers trying to get boys to read more. Read it and let me know what your opinions are if you have any. I found it interesting for several reasons. One, I never read any books as a kid. I hated reading, to some extent I still do. But somehow I am able to read things at a normal level if not better. I don't know how this happened. It seems, at least for me, that learning and being able to read were very separated from the desire to read.

Another reason I found this interesting is that the Strib actually published an article about differences between boys and girls in school. It seems to me that our culture tends to tell us that gender plays no role in things such as this. Then the Strib went even further and sort of suggested that by incorporating sports etc. that it can encourage them to read. It's like something pulled straight out of the 50's!

Here are my theories, and you better leave yours.

I think boys in general are less interested in stories. It doesn't matter if it's about baseball, girls, bugs or guts. They just don't care about stories. Women like stories. There are lots of emotions in stories. Boys typically don't want anything to do with emotions.

Boys are adventurous. They like learning, it's just that a lot of what they want to learn about has nothing to do with whatever reading assignment they have in their bag.

If you gave a boys a bunch of chemicals, materials and an instruction manual on how to build a simple bomb, they without a doubt would (after their intuition failed) pick up the manual, read it, and then blow up some small animal that they learned how to trap from their boy scouts field manual.

So, to end this crappy blog, I will offer public school teachers my advice on how to get kids to read. Give them a constructive assignment that forces them to use their brain and somehow obtain relevant knowledge in order to proceed.

Or....tell them that they don't have to read, but if they don't they will grow up and most likely make much less than their reading counterparts. They will then wish they could read but won't have the motivation to learn. So, they better just learn to read now because if they don't they will be held back a year and all the older and bigger kids will think they are losers and probably kick the crap out of them at recess...while of course taunting them for being so stupid. Then they will be stupid, beat up, and on the road to poverty.

The End.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Amazon.com book reviewer of the year.

Mike A., if you haven't seen the blog of Jon Swift, I highly recommend it. Even though I don't know you so well I think for some reason you would like it. Colleen, maybe a little, Laura, not so much. Mom, I have no idea. And if you weren't mentioned, I'm sorry, maybe you should leave a comment once a month so I can better tailor my blogs to a specific audience.

Anyway, I stumbled onto this blogger site. And he has a blog dedicated to all his Amazon.com book comments (above link). He said he compiled them after Amazon started deleting them. I have actually been laughing out loud reading this, I never do that. Couple examples:

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
I think it's illegal to read this, January 19, 2006
I have not actually read this book and I believe, in fact, that it is illegal to read it, or soon will be.

Fight Back : Tackling Terrorism, Liddy Style by G. Gordon Liddy
2 of 32 people found the following review helpful:
Rational, commonsense ideas, February 17, 2006
I have not actually read this book but I'm sure Mr. Liddy has some rational, commonsense ideas for fighting terrorism. For example, one thing terrorists want to do is to instill fear and Mr. Liddy is an expert at that. To get over his fears he once cooked and ate a rat, climbed a tree in a thunderstorm and held his hand over an open flame until it burned his flesh. If all Americans followed Mr. Liddy's lead and did these simple things that anyone can do at home I don't think we would have to worry about terrorism anymore.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

English teaching in Japan

My lessons were really nothing like this (warning, it's even awkward watching it by yourself).

Bad Case Of Diarrhea - Watch more free videos

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Enjoy your job

No doubt, some of you are reading this as you suffer through work...or maybe even the dreaded job search. It's important to remember that no matter how difficult it seems, life could always be worse.